TB45 Update

Posted by Ian Collins in Products on 01 November 2012

As a result of a recent product update to TB45-1 and the resulting re-certification, the following changes will take effect:

Updates to EN 14597(2009-1) mean the current TB 45-1 device can no longer be used as temperature limiter (TB) but only as a temperature monitor (TW) from February 2013 onwards.

In order to continue supporting TB 45 as a universal limiter the range will be enhanced with a new version (TB45-2), see tab.3. Background and Details on the Sales Info.

TB45-2 will be available from February 2013.

These changes apply only to the ‘EN14597 / DIN3440 versions of TB45-1. For applications using ‘standard’ or ‘UL’ variations of TB45-1, the following instructions can be ignored.

If you require any further information then please contact the technical support team.

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